artist+ by sound & magic

Here at Sound & Magic we are dedicated to providing exceptional and affordable services to musicians and creatives. If you are looking to take your career to the next level, we are here to help!


Our artist development and support package is designed to give you a boost over the space of a year.

progress review

We always start by having a look over what you have already created and your current situation to understand what you are doing great and where we can help add value.


Setting long term personal targets and goals is important, incorporating these into your plans from the start make it easier to build towards them in a straight line, no detours.


We can help you in creating a detailed plan that outlines a realistic path to get from where you currently are to your targets. Having a structured plan makes it easier to keep track and motivated. 

online presence

These days your online presence really matters. We can help create a uniform and beautiful presence across the web that helps to communicate your brand to new fans around the globe.

media campaign

Media appearances can help you spread your music to a more mainstream audience than through standard online marketing. Learn how to reach out to media and build some steam.

all your questions answered

We are on hand through monthly two hour catch-up sessions, or via the phone to help answer all your questions and help take some of the stress out of going it alone.

artist+ media pack

Our advanced media pack is designed to give you everything you need to develop a deeper artistic connection from your audience and a more professional connection with the media.

man in black jacket and brown pants playing guitar

documentary short

The best way to establish yourself as an artist in the audiences mind is to have content that focuses on you as the star. A great way to build this connection is to create a short 8-12 min documentary style video that shows your personality and inspiration. We can handle filming, production and editing to deliver you a professional high quality piece of content that will enrich your brand for years to come.

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press kit

A well structured and complete press kit is crucial for getting your foot in to mainstream radio and news outlets, it also gives you the perfect opportunity to sculpt how they will talk about you, a press kit designed to enhance your opportunities is what we do best!

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Having high quality artistic images of yourself where necessary can be the difference maker in standing out in todays fast paced visual world.  Things like your press kit, website, marketing materials etc will all require images in various aspect ratios and orientations so a professional photoshoot is the simplest way to get the images you need.

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logo design

A sharp logo that reflects your personality whilst clearly communicating your name for searchability is an important asset to tie together your online presence and marketing materials. 

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artist+ Pricing

Curae hendrerit donec commodo hendrerit egestas tempus, turpis facilisis nostra nunc. Vestibulum dui eget ultrices.


1 Year of Support


most popular
  • Two hour catch up every month.
  • Available via direct line to answer your questions.

MEDIA Bundle

1 Year of Support + Media Pack


  • Two hour catch up every month for a year.
  • Available via direct line to answer your questions.
  • Artist documentary
  • Logo design
  • Press kit
  • Photoshoot